Basically, with every transfer has a chance of it working out – it’s just that the probability of success varies.
The added value of data is not to collect and own it, but to select and interpret it profitably. We access up to six data platforms and determine from them the key figures that are really relevant. Through holistic consulting with CREATEFOOTBALL, consulting agencies save six-figure sums and significantly increase the probability of successful player transfers!
The sporting development of the player is paramount – he should have a big impact on his team and develop in the best possible way. CREATEFOOTBALL’s data-based club matching searches for clubs with a suitable playing style and demand for the respective type of player and significantly increases the likelihood of a successful transfer.
When acquiring new professional players, every competitive advantage is profitable. Through our expertise in data evaluation, we expand the spectrum of your agency to objectively and soundly show your players a performance evaluation as well as a possible next career step.
With the help of market screenings, which can be carried out worldwide, consulting agencies secure mandates for players from other markets who show excellent performances there. Besides the enormous time savings, our expertise opens up new transfer opportunities for your agency!